AEPA Exam Score Report

Each AEPA exam usually consists of somewhere between 90 - 150 multiple-choice questions, however some tests also include essays, short open-ended questions, and other similar types of questions. The examinee will have five hours to complete each exam session and each exam has one or two sessions depending on the exam. Most exams are only one session.

Test results for the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments Exam are provided on the score report. Score report indicates the status based on all of the sections of the test. Passing scores have been established by the Arizona State Board of Education based on recommendations of committees of Arizona educators.

To determine the passing status, score for the selected response test items is combined with scores on the performance assignments for the test. This total test score is then converted to a score on a scale with a range of 100 300. Minimum passing score for each exam is 240. That means the status of score report would be “Passed” if scaled score is 240 or greater and status is listed as “Not Passed” in case scaled score is less than 240.

How to Retake AEPA Exam ?

In case examinees wish to retake a test that they have not passed, they may do so at any regularly scheduled administration by submitting a new registration and payment.

For information regarding AEPA passing requirement, test selection and score reporting, please visit AEPA website.

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